Wednesday, May 28, 2008

addicted in answering the question..

1.Are u wearing a necklace?
niat(means no in russian)..keke

2.does your computer have a mouse?
ade tetikus je..

3.Who is the main person you talk to in each of your classes?
all class ppl's rocks.
4.Do you like school?
Ya..of course..

5.What color is your shirt?
blackie black..

6.How many bedrooms do you have in your house?
3 lor..

7.What song are you listening to?
din listen to anything now..

8.What was the last mall you've been to?
recently din hav time to go mall

9.Are you alone?

10.Do you have any older siblings?
niat tu..

11.What is the last thing you ate?
dave sandwich..hahas..

12.Who was the last person to come over to your house?
my classmates to wish nabeela for her birthday today

13.Who was the last person to call you?

14.Who was the last person who texted you?
ziwei..ask me when i coming back..keke..

15.What time is it?
1.06 a.m-malaysia --9.06pm in russia

16.What should you be doing?
filling chem n anat n russian text in to my brain..

17.Who is the last person you IMed?
x tau

18.Did you go out to eat yesterday?
niat...NO EXTRA TIME for me in the whole week..

19.What are you thinking about right now?
sleep..zzz..damn tired wey..

20.What color are your pants?
black too..blac

21.What color is your keyboard?

22.What do you feel like eating/drinking?
malaysia's food..i kacang..seafoods..nasi lemak..roti canai..popiah..manggis..n alots more..

23.Are you in college?
niat uni

24.What is the last word you wrote?
me ans for physic exam

25.Are you bored?
not rely for the moment ..busy for tans of test..

26.How many teeth do you have?
dunno lar..

28.Do you wear glasses?
yes.since form 5 kot..

29.What color are your shoes?

31.Last thing you drank?
strawberry juice..n vitamin C water..

34.Who do you love?
everyone that i know..everyone around me..

35.What are you doing right now?
typing to ans this question..

37.what are you looking at now?
laptop screen..

38.What's the last word you said?
mira.i tido kat bilik i je..nanti i pi bilik u..

39.Do you have lip gloss on?

40.Do you have eyeliner on?
niat tu..use it on formal function only..

41.Did u realize there was no question number 36?
huh??izit??i dunno eyes almost wanna close..

42.Do you have a cut on your pointer finger?

43.Where is your cell phone?
on my table..mira juz called me..

44.Do you have any friends named robby?

46.Do you have any friends named nikki?

47.Are you afraid of the dark?

48.Did you used to watch "are you afraid of the dark"?

49.Do you like someone right now?

50.What size shoe are you?

Monday, May 19, 2008


saw this video clip made by students from my uni RSMU..find it very interesting..wanted to share wit my frens in malaysia...

Monday, May 12, 2008

more updates soon..

feeling to update my blog more...but due to insufficient of times,i din update anything..more new post coming soon in this weekend for my frens in malaysia..

Thursday, May 8, 2008


juz finished my 2 test today..relieve...muz study hard for 2 weeks more to finish everything..gambatei..cant be lazy ade..